
Hi!  Welcome to Sequins & Sandcastles.  I’m Kim, wife to Nick, mama to two redheads Dylan and Alexis.  We live in sunny Arizona and love taking trips to California to escape the heat – Disneyland and Huntington Beach are our current favorites.  Most weekends are spent running between activities for the kids and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

photo credit: Jenni Khoury

I love reality T.V. (pretty much anything on Bravo is my jam), swimming with the kids and I drink way too much Coca-Cola (but I’m trying to quit!).  Supporting small shops makes me happy and you will see a lot of them throughout this blog.  I love making birthdays, holidays and everyday special for the kids.  Time goes by way too fast and now that they are old enough to appreciate it, it makes celebrating special days (and every day) so much more fun.

We’re often asked where the kids got their red hair since neither Nick nor I are redheads. Red hair runs on both sides of our families but we didn’t realize it until Dylan was born.  When I was pregnant with Lex we kind of figured she would also have red hair.  Their hair gets a lot of attention in public and they are always good sports about it.  I love their red hair (and so do they!) but I cringe when I hear the term ‘ginger’.

Welcome to a glimpse into our life and things we love. We’re so excited you’re here!

Disclosure Policy:

All content of this blog is protected by Copyright law.  Any reproduction of any material is prohibited unless expressly authorized by me.  All photos belong to Sequins & Sandcastles.

All content of this blog is created by myself unless otherwise stated, except viewer comments.

This site contains affiliate links.  That means, if you click on a link, I may receive a commission.  Any products received from a company will be marked as c/o.  I would never accept or recommend a product or company that I wouldn’t purchase myself.  All opinions are my own.