Thursday, January 12, 2017


I can’t believe the second week of 2017 is almost over!  It seems like each week goes by faster than the week before.  I had originally thought about writing posts for Christmas and Winter Break but decided sharing a quick overview would do and then jump into 2017 – two weeks late.  Here’s a peek at our life lately:Life Lately 1We had a wonderful Christmas season:  We made a gingerbread house, rode the Polar Express and Lex had her Christmas program at daycare.

We made Christmas cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve with my aunt and had a low key Christmas at home this year.

The kids got bikes for Christmas and rode them multiple times each day on winter break.  My view most days looked something like this:Life Lately 2December in Arizona, I don’t hate it 🙂

Dylan was so far ahead I couldn’t get them both in the same picture.

We went to the aquarium.  It’s safe to say their favorites were the penguins, the water table and the sharks. I can’t wait to go back to check out the dolphin exhibit sometime soon.Life Lately 3 Life Lately 4

We had our framing inspection/walk through on our new house just a couple of days before Christmas and let Dylan choose which bedroom would be his.  Last week we got the date of our final walk through and should be closing early April!  I can’t wait to decorate their new bedrooms and get the house organized.Life Lately 5Lex is killing her potty training and is super excited that she can go all day without an accident.  I love seeing the kids so proud of themselves when they accomplish something new.

There you have it, a little bit of life lately.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016


I can hardly believe Christmas is over already.  It seems like just yesterday that it was Halloween and here we are putting away our Christmas decorations and getting ready for a new year.

Life Lately 1

Here are ten things I want to remember for Christmas next year:

1 – Start shopping early.  Will someone remind me to start shopping early next year?  I would love to be one of those people who is totally on the ball and done before Thanksgiving and not shopping two weeks before Christmas.

2- Have Minted address our Christmas cards.  Did you know if you buy your Christmas cards from Minted they will address your Christmas cards free of charge? (true as of this writing)  It’s pretty awesome and after I ruined more envelopes than I care to admit, I decided I’d go ahead and let Minted take care of this task for me next year; assuming they still offer this service.  I’ve already uploaded our Christmas card list to my account so all that I need to do next fall is update new addresses or make any additions and deletions.

3- Elf on the Shelf.  We bought an Elf on the Shelf two years ago and our kids were not into it at all, or quite possibly they were just too young.  We were also horrible at moving him.  He stayed in the same place most of the time and we didn’t even get him out this year.  I’m sure our kids will love having the elf visit now that they are older, but it also means we need to up our elf game.  I should probably start planning his 30 day visit now for next year.  I’d love for you to share your favorite elf on the shelf ideas in the comments.  If you see me pinning Elf on the Shelf ideas year round, you know why.

4- The Polar Express.  We’ve taken the kids to The Polar Express the last two years and it’s easily one of my favorite holiday events.  If you ever get the chance to go, I highly recommend it.  It’s so magical for kids and such a fun family experience.  Book your tickets early, like over the summer early, because it always sells out.

5- Plan family pajamas.  See number 4.  Yup, we will be in matching pajamas next year.  I debated too long this year and won’t make that mistake again next year.

6- Santa gift wrap, tags, etc.  Gone are the days when I can cruise the aisles of Target picking up a roll or two of gift wrap with the kids in tow.  I made that mistake this year and didn’t realize that they might (ok, totally would) recognize the paper and had to go back solo for more paper for Santa gifts.  As I was wrapping gifts, it dawned on me that I need to have different tags too next year.

7- Make a gingerbread house or two. Okay, maybe a whole village. On a whim I picked up a gingerbread house kit at Target a couple of weeks before Christmas and Dylan had so much fun decorating it with me.  Lex was’t really into it because she had to be patient while the house was constructed.  Next year I want to remember to pick up a couple of kits because I think by then she will be all about decorating one too and build the houses after the kids go to sleep so they are ready for decorating the next day.

8- Bake more cookies and treats with the kids.  They both really like cutting out cookies and decorating them.  Next year we will probably make at least two kinds of cookies, some candy and another treat or two.  I love baking with them. Baking with my mom are some of my favorite childhood memories, especially around the holidays.

9- Decorate early.  Since Lex’s Birthday is the first week in December I always thought I wanted to wait to decorate for Christmas after her birthday but the kids are so excited for all things Christmas that I think we will decorate early next year.

10- Decorate the kids rooms for Christmas.  See number 9.  They’ve both tried claiming decorations for their room next year and Dylan has a request in for his own Christmas tree so I think brining a few decorations, bedding and maybe that tree he’s after into their rooms next year will be on the agenda.

Do you have anything you want to remember to do next Christmas?

Thursday, November 24, 2016


Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you are enjoying your day with family and friends. We have a pretty low key weekend planned.

Since it’s the season of family photos and I’ve never shared these I thought it would be kind of fun to do a throwback Thursday and share some photos we had taken as part of Lex’s one year pictures.  It’s hard to believe that was two years ago already!

Like many moms, I had been dreaming of the perfect first birthday pictures for Lex. However, as we got closer to the session, it was pretty clear to me that we weren’t going to get the perfect smash cake in tutu shots I was dreaming of and had to come up with something else.

Lex wasn’t always the most cooperative person to photograph when it came to professional pics. If you missed her nine month and one year sessions (yes we did one year twice if that tells you anything), you and see them here and here. Spoiler alert, crying is a theme in both.

A few days before her (first) one year pictures, I emailed our photographer Marnee and asked how she felt about me brining some props – a cozy coupe and a small tree and lucky for me, she was on board right away.  I love these pictures and am so thankful to call these two mine.

car9 car10 car7 car8 car6 car1 car2 car3 car5 car4

photos by Marnee at Marriott Photography

Thursday, November 17, 2016


When we were in California for fall break in October, we arranged to have some beach pictures taken of the kids. Lex wasn’t having it and instead of fighting her, we just had photos taken of Dylan and I couldn’t love them more. Well, maybe I could if I had matching pics of Lex…dyl1 dyl2 dyl7 dyl9 dyl4 dyl8 dyl6 dyl11We love Huntington Beach so it’s quite fitting that these were taken under Huntington Pier.  I can’t wait to print them and hang them in our new home.  Speaking of the new house, we went from a slab to a fully framed house last week!

photos by Beth Jeffrey Photography

Sunday, October 9, 2016


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Dylan had a day off from school on Monday so I took the day off work to spend it with my favorite five year old.  I don’t get nearly enough one on one time with either of the kids and look forward to finding ways to spend time alone with each of them.  It’s something I need to do more of while they still want to be with me.  Dylan and I went to the mall.  Mostly because I had procrastinated way too long and needed to find an outfit for Dylan for holiday pictures on Wednesday.  We had lunch, he played in the tree houses and then we went shopping.  Shopping with Dylan is so cute.  He has an opinion and has really good taste.  He occasionally surprises me with what he likes to wear, like plaid button up shirts.  He also can find any toy or trinket in the store and insist it comes home with you.  We may have purchased a Halloween lantern along with some jeans and a couple of shirts.  Our next date is to the aquarium or the “coral reef” as he calls it.  I can’t wait.

Tuesday evening Dylan had soccer practice.  Nick took him to practice and I took Lex for a walk through an outdoor shopping center with the promise of ice cream (frozen yogurt).  Spoiler alert, she’s only in it for the m&m’s.  The cooler evenings are so nice and such a welcome change!  We window shopped, ate frozen yogurt (well I did, she at the m&m’s), lounged at the splash pad and walked home two hours later.


I snapped these pictures while we were sitting outside enjoying the evening.  This is why we put up with the long hot summers.  On a random Tuesday evening in October, it feels like you are on vacation.


Tuesday morning we finally got our first taste of fall in Arizona.  It was sixty degrees and it was the perfect taste of fall weather.  We will still have warm hot days for awhile, but cooler mornings and evenings are a nice and welcome change.  Hello October, we are happy you are here!  My Instagram feed is filled with kids in layers, pumpkin patches and apple picking and while we won’t be doing any of those things for awhile (pumpkins don’t last in 90 degrees for long), but we will eventually get our turn.  Until then, we are getting in the spirit with a few fun things of our own.  Now that the kids are a little older, I am so excited to go all out and make holidays as special as possible for them.  Nothing is better than the magic of childhood; birthdays and holidays through the eyes of your child.  Get ready for years of overly done holiday months because here we come.

I love these things for making October extra fun for my two little favorites.

October Wishes

dress | tights | tee | trick-or-treat bag | boo garland | dishes | cats night out | room on the broom

Lex loves her June and January dresses.  She wore them four out of five days this week.  A grapefruit or even marigold dress with striped tights or adorable knee highs is the perfect outfit for her everyday and all month long.  Adding the cutest necklace to makes it extra fun for October and Halloween.  It’s no secret we love Peek tee’s for both kids, this is such a fun shirt for Halloween or anytime!  A couple of fun Halloween books make bedtime extra festive and change it up from our regular favorites for the season.

Last year I waited too long to order these PBK trick-or-treat bags but they are back in stock and on sale.  I love that they can be used year after year.  Adding some fun festive dishes (save 15% with this referral code: and the most adorable garland help to make meal time and everyday a little more festive leading up to Halloween.