Monday, September 17, 2018


It’s hard to believe it’s time to think about Halloween again but it will be here before you know it and my kids are VERY excited for all things holiday and Halloween.  Lexi’s told me about thirty five different things she wants to be for Halloween, I think a dog is the current front runner, but it changes multiple times a day.  Dylan hasn’t said what he wants to be but I am sure he will also change his mind a million times before making a final decision.

We’re going to Mickey’s Halloween Party at Disneyland in a couple of weeks and Lexi and I were discussing costumes for Disneyland at Dylan’s hockey practice yesterday; I think she’s decided on Alice from Alice in Wonderland which is perfect since it will likely be pretty warm.  I need to help Dylan come up with something.  My matching loving heart would LOVE for him to be the Mad Hatter, but I highly doubt that will happen.  One can dream…

What will happen though is matching, errr coordinating, Halloween pajamas!  We LOVE matching pajamas.  I not so secretly love that my kids like to match their pajamas.  It makes me so happy that they still get excited when they have pajamas that match or coordinate.  Now that Dylan has outgrown the toddler section of our favorite stores it’s made it a little harder to find cute pajamas in bigger sizes and pajamas that match or coordinate with Lexi but I’ve found a few and can’t wait to get them on the kids; more importantly, they can’t wait to wear them!

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**updated 9/19/18 (affiliate link)

You can now save 30% off new fall styles plus get free shipping at Gymboree starting today, 9/19/19  through 9/30/18 click here to shop!

Thursday, March 8, 2018


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It’s hard to believe it’s time to start thinking about Easter baskets but Easter will be here before you know it. Easter is April 1st this year and since it feels like March is already half over, I thought I’d share a few favorites for their Easter baskets.

Now that Dylan is getting older, shopping for him is a little bit harder than in year’s past. He’s six and in that age where you’re not quite sure if he will really love something or think it’s too babyish. Ugh, where did my baby boy go?!?! Luckily, they are both pretty easy to please and it’s stress I bring on myself more than anything.  They peeked over my shoulder when I was finishing this up and both have asked for everything listed below…which is good (yay! they loved it!) and bad because now I need to come up with totally different things for their baskets.

When putting together Easter baskets, my go to categories are generally:
– things for spring and summer that I would buy anyway like sandals or swimsuits
– new books
– fun things for outside play like sidewalk chalk or dive sticks or small toys for the pool
– an Easter PEZ because I always got one in my basket growing up
– a chocolate bunny because everyone needs a chocolate bunny for Easter
– a bunny stuffed animal, sadly I think we’re outgrowing this one
If there’s something small they’ve been asking for I will usually add that to their basket as well.

We’ve used both more traditional baskets like these adorable baskets from Pottery Barn Kids and trendier options like the wire baskets from the bullseye playground at Target. I think we will use our classic Pottery Barn Kids baskets this year because there’s something so sweet about a traditional Easter basket and I’m feeling like my babies are growing up way too fast!

I haven’t finished shopping for Easter baskets yet but here’s a few things I’ve either done in the past and they loved or are putting in their basket this year.

Easter Baskets

girls swimsuit | goggles| If You Give A Mouse A Cookie | Green Eggs and Ham

Dive Squid | board shorts | bunny | sidewalk chalk

Wednesday, November 1, 2017


Happy November 1st!  We had such a great Halloween this year that I’m kind of sad to see it go; but SUPER excited for the holidays.  A Christmas explosion will be happening in my house over the next week or so (sorry hubby).  I’ve already washed and put away the kids Christmas pajamas and have had at least three requests to leave out cookies and milk for Santa.  It’s safe to say, we’re excited for Christmas over here!

I am so excited to kick off the holiday season with one of my favorite small shops, Peyper Kids.  Peyper Kids is releasing the first part of the holiday collection tonight at 8pm CST and it’s super cute!  I love the tree top and plaid bloomers.  Lexi is hoping for the purple Rifle Paper co fabric dress.12 Days of Christmas - Day 1: Peyper Kids

photo courtesy of Peyper Kids

Tiffany, the mama behind Peyper Kids is one of the nicest shop owners you will find.  Her attention to detail, like the scoop back and wood button (my favorite!) on the tree top make her pieces extra special.  She makes everything herself in addition to raising two girls and is seriously super woman.  I’ve gotten to know her a little bit and she is just the nicest person ever!  I love shopping handmade shops that have really wonderful owners.  I also like it when I buy something Lexi loves to wear because she has lots of opinions about what she’s going to wear these days.  She was SO excited to put this outfit on and my husband complemented it too, which is a huge win in my book!12 Days of Christmas - Day 1: Peyper Kids 12 Days of Christmas - Day 1: Peyper Kids 12 Days of Christmas - Day 1: Peyper Kids 12 Days of Christmas - Day 1: Peyper KidsHow cute would this top be with skinny jeans and boots?  Or the bloomers with a cozy sweater and tights? These are two pieces Lexi will get a lot of use out of over the holiday season.

Monday, October 30, 2017


This post contains affiliate links. That means if you click on a link and make a purchase from the site, I will earn a small commission from the sale.  I’ve received compensation for this post. All content and opinions are my own.

’tis the season for holiday cards!  I know, it’s not even Halloween yet but if you haven’t already, it’s time to start thinking about holiday cards.  Sending and receiving holiday cards is one of my favorite holiday traditions and photo cards are always the best.  I love everything about them from choosing just the right outfits, planning the photo session to choosing which cards to send.  Minted has been my go to for cards for years and this year is no different.  I’ve already favorited 40 cards!  They are all so good it’s going to be hard to choose just one!

Minted offers a wide variety of cards making it easy to find something that suits the style of card you like to send.  I like sending a flat card with one large photo and maybe something on the back. I’ve done both a plain back and a photo back depending on the card and year.  I love both the simple and fancy fonts and the foiled cards are gorgeous.   It’s nice that you can change the color of the font on most cards in order to coordinate with your photo.  Here are a few of my current favorites.

Minted holiday cards

This foiled card is gorgeous and available here.

Minted Holiday Cards

I love the script on this one, it’s available here.

Minted holiday cards

I love the pretty script and the oversized Merry on this card.  It’s available here.

Minted Holiday cards

I love the very simple Merry Christmas wish on this one.  You can find it here.

This was our card last year.  It is available here.

Holiday cards with minted

My favorite thing about ordering holiday cards from Minted might just be that in addition to the gorgeous cards; the envelopes match the cards AND they will address them for you free of charge.  Game changer for sure.  Simply upload your address book to and you can choose to have the envelopes addressed for you.  I uploaded my address book last year after hand addressing them for the last time.  It’s such a great service and time saver this time of year!

Monday, October 2, 2017


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Happy October!  It’s been non-stop activities since the kids have been back in school, which means I’ve had little time to blog.  I can’t believe it’s October already, but I’m ready for some cooler temps.  We’ve actually had a taste of less than 95 degree weather this past week and I’m ready for more!

Dylan is still ice skating.  He’s moved up another level and skates with a stick and basically full hockey equipment now.  He looks so cute out there on the ice.  I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to call a hockey player cute, but he’s my kid and he’s six, so…..cute it is.  He’s also playing flag football and scored the first touchdown in their first game.  He’s sports obsessed these days and it’s so fun to watch him learn new sports and play on a team.  He LOVES being part of a team.  He has skating or football practice three nights a week, which makes our evenings more hectic than ever before.

Lexi is back in dance class.  She’s doing tap and jazz this year and it’s pretty much the cutest thing ever.  She participates for the whole class now, which is a huge improvement over last year.  Apparently the recital was the turning point for her.  She cannot wait to get back on stage.  She wants to do gymnastics too, if I can find a time to squeeze it in, we will add that to our craziness.

Since it’s October, it’s the beginning of holiday season which means it’s time for festive pajamas!  I LOVE a good holiday pajama and it’s not lost on me that my kids are quickly aging out of the festive pj age, especially Dylan.  I am going to eat up this last year (or two if I’m lucky) with everything I’ve got!

Surprisingly, they love matching their pajamas right now.  Lexi always wants to match Dylan but lately he’s been a willing participant and is excited to match too!  Spoiler alert, this won’t last long but I will help them match for as long as it does. These skeleton pajamas are perfect for them for this month, which is probably the last time he will fit in toddler pajamas.  Someone send Kleenex.Halloween Pajamas

kitty | boo | candy | skeleton

Dylan’s nightly homework includes at least 15 minutes of reading.  I’ve been going through our collection of books and pulling out all of the baby books that they’ve outgrown and am on the hunt for new, fun picture books.  I’ve picked up a couple of Halloween books and am on the hunt for more, if you’ve got a favorite, leave us a comment so we can check it out.