Tuesday, September 6, 2016


This post is long over due.  It sat in draft mode for way too long and took awhile to get the photos since the computer they were on is packed in storage, but I can’t let his fifth birthday slip by without taking the time to share how much he’s loved and a few things I am currently loving.  Without any further delay…happy birthday dylanDear Dylan,

Happy fifth birthday!  I can’t believe you are five already!  At the same time, it’s hard to remember life before you were born.  You have changed our lives in the best possible way.  I am the luckiest mama to have you as my son.

You’ve grown so much over the past year.  You can spell a few words and write your name.  You are learning to read and recently read your first book to us.  You love cars and trucks, especially fire trucks.  Thanks to Mighty Machines and youtube, you know more about different trucks than most grown ups.  You never miss an opportunity to point out parts on different trucks when we see one driving down the road.  You are wicked smart and will do well in school.  You have a love for learning and I hope it never stops.

You ice skate, play baseball and taught yourself to swim.  Watching you be part of a t-ball team was so much fun.  You loved it and never miss an opportunity to wear your jersey or hat around town.

You have a big heart.  You love your family and your friends and get so excited to see them.  You love your sister and are excited to see her; even though she likes to take your toys.  I love when you want to play with her.  She looks up to you and copies everything you do.  I love that you still hold my hand and want to cuddle with me.  I know these days are numbered so I cherish each time hoping it’s not the last.

You are my first baby and I couldn’t have been blessed with a better, more lovable, fun son.  Four was a good year.  I can’t wait to see what five has in store.

I love you,

Mama dylan55 dylan53 dylan54 dylan59 dylan58

Friday, September 2, 2016


This post contains affiliate links. That means if you click on a link and make a purchase from the site, I will earn a small commission from the sale.

Since fall is practically nonexistent here, adding a few fun accessories helps to refresh Lex’s wardrobe and to make it feel more like fall despite the warm weather.  Fun knee high’s, leather bows and moccasin style sneakers help bring fall vibes to so much in her closet.

The rhinestone headband would be adorable with this dress for Thanksgiving or for family pictures for holiday cards.  I fell in love with the kitty lunch box when I was back to school shopping for Dylan.  Lex happened to see post this while I was putting it together and is ready to go shopping.  She has given everything her two year old seal of approval.fall accessories toddler styleheadband | socks | bow | lunch box | shoes

I hope you have a nice weekend.  It looks like I have a date to shop for fall accessories with my best shopping buddy!

Thursday, September 1, 2016


We have big news to share; we moved!we movedAnd we’re moving again…This will be home next spring!

When we bought our condo, we had already lived in our complex for just over two years.  We fell in love with the location and decided to put down roots there knowing I was pregnant with Dylan.  We’ve always had the intention of selling our condo and moving into a home in three to five years.  Our plan was to enjoy the amazing location of our condo, decide where we wanted to go next and hopefully to make a little money.

Five years later, it’s with mixed emotions that we announce that we have sold our condo and will be moving into what we hope is the home our kids go off to college from.  Our condo is where we brought both kids home from the hospital and celebrated many firsts: first steps, first birthdays, our first wedding anniversary and our last first at this home; Dylan’s first day of kindergarten.

After weighing many options, including an out of state move, we decided to build a home in a new community.  Finding temporary housing was not easy.  At the last minute we found a great place and moved in almost two weeks ago.  The kids have done such a great job with the move.  We’ve been talking about moving (and answering lots of questions) with them for months now.  I wasn’t sure how they would do leaving the only home they’ve ever known but they didn’t shed a single tear; I couldn’t believe it.  We finalize interior sections on our new home this week and will be moving in next spring.  We are excited for this new journey!

Monday, August 22, 2016


This post contains affiliate links. That means if you click on a link and make a purchase from the site, I will earn a small commission from the sale.

The transition from summer to fall is almost nonexistent in Arizona.  The months on the calendar change but the summer weather sticks around well past the return of Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte.  The downfall to this extra long summer weather is that it becomes incredibly hard to find fall colored clothing in summer styles once fall actually hits.

I hadn’t really given this much of a thought until last October when we were going pumpkin picking and the choices in Lex’s closet all screamed summer.  I wanted something for her to wear that wasn’t bright and summery and I just didn’t have anything that fit the bill.  I forgot all about it until a month or so ago when I spotted the cutest romper, it is sadly too small for us but I love the dress for Lex.  Here are a few of my favorites for Lex for fall, or summer 2.0.summer to fallhoodie | flower headband |shorts | striped dress | glitter shoes | leather bow | romper | tights | floral dress

You can see some current favorites for boys in the back to school post.

Monday, August 15, 2016


Dylan’s first day of kindergarten was last Monday. We visited his school the Friday before school started.  We saw his classroom, met his teacher and picked up a bunch of information about the school and activities and programs they offer. He also learned that he wasn’t in the same class as his best friend, Avery.  He took the news much better than I expected.

First Day of Kindergarten

On Monday morning Nick and I took him for his first day of school.  The kindergarten teachers have you drop off the kids on the playground in the morning instead of in their rooms. We met his friend Avery and her parents on the playground.  The kids played and asked when we were leaving while the parents were getting choked up about their babies starting school. We waited until they lined up, watched them go into their classes and got one last peek at them inside their classrooms before we left for the day.

First Day of Kindergarten

best day ever tee

Avery’s mom and I texted all day Monday and were excited to pick up the kids.  We were disappointed when they didn’t divulge many details. Pretty much the only thing Dylan told us was that he had music class and that the cafeteria is too noisy.  Avery didn’t have much to say about her first day either.

I’m glad they had a great first day and can’t wait to see what the rest of the year has in store.