Friday, November 13, 2015


Six weeks from today is Christmas Day!  Can you believe it?  Me neither.  I feel like summer just ended; it practically did here in Arizona!  With Thanksgiving in two weeks, Alexis’ birthday in three and Christmas in six; the rest of the year is sure to be a whirl wind of activities. In years past, I’ve always felt like the Christmas sneaks up on me. This far out, I would feel like I have plenty of time only to scramble to order gifts and wrap them.  I would let the season sneak past before getting in all of the fun activities I wanted to do with the kids.  Overall, I ended up feeling rushed and unable to truly enjoy the moment.  This year I want to get a head start and a game plan so I can enjoy the season as a family.  After all, Christmas is so much more fun with kids and they are only little for such a short period of time!  Here’s a little inspiration to get into the holiday spirit and things I am most excited for this year: six weeks Images from Pinterest. Sources: elf, stockings, be jolly, reindeer cookies, advent calendar, tree cookies, wrapping ideas

The last couple of years Dylan and I have baked and decorated Christmas cookies with my aunt and grandma and can’t wait to do it with both kids this year!  I haven’t done an Advent calendar before, but think it would be fun for the kids. Do you do one?  Do you have any suggestions for activities?  I would love to hear them!  Last year we bought an Elf on a Shelf. I had grand plans for our little elf and failed miserably.  Dylan didn’t really understand the concept and our elf ended up staying in the same spot for multiple days in a row.  Our elf will be visiting us for the 12 days before Christmas this year.  I think that seems much more manageable for this mama.

Here’s to the start of a happy and healthy holiday season. I would love to hear what fun things you have planned to do this year!


  1. Thank you so much for the feature! I love the other ideas you picked too 😀

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