Wednesday, September 30, 2015


sneaky-peakysneaky peeky…

photo credit Marnee of Marriott Photography

1. Until 10 days ago, I had not really given much thought to Christmas card photos.  I received an email from Marnee about Christmas sessions and decided it was a good time to get them done since Dylan had a day off from preschool last week.  I wasn’t really sure how it would go.  Lex is a bit of a wild card when it comes to taking her picture, you never really know what you are going to get.  You can see what I mean, check out the last couple of sessions of her first year photos here and here.  Thankfully they both did a good job and I cannot wait to see what Marnee got.  As I was writing this post, she released a sneak peek – I cannot wait to see the rest!  This has the making to be my favorite photos ever!  And as an added bonus, I will have our Christmas cards back soon, major score; considering none were sent last year-oops!

2. I have s-l-o-w-l-y been clearing out baby gear, toys and anything we no longer use.  My closet, the kids closets, the bathrooms, the kitchen – really, nothing is safe.  And then I heard about Marie Kondo’s book, The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up and decided to read it.  I’m within a few pages of being done and have really liked it.  She gives some good advice on how to get into the right perspective when cleaning out your belongings.  I know I haven’t followed the book to the letter, mostly because I have been purging for awhile, but her method really helped me when purging my bathroom last week.  I can’t wait to tackle more of the house using her method.  When you are ready to do some purging around your house, I highly recommend her book!

3. I got my hair done yesterday and went ‘dark’ for fall.  I have always been blonde so this is a big change for me.  It’s not real dark, but pulls in more of my natural color so it’s less maintenance.  So far I am really liking it, but have a feeling I will be back to bright blonde by summer!


  1. Stinking cutest picture 🙂 I cannot wait to get some taken this year either! xo

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