Friday, November 6, 2015


I hope you had a happy Halloween and are coming down off a sugar high. I ate my fair share of the kids’ candy for sure! This year we took the kids trick or treating with another family and everyone had so much fun! We had an early pizza dinner, got dressed and hit the streets so we could be done in time for bedtime for the little ones.

I didn’t realize it until I went back through my photos, I didn’t get a single picture of my kids together on Halloween this year! #mommyfail  With promises of candy filling their baskets by simply a knock on the door with a “trick or treat” they were not into us taking many pictures.trick-or-treat-1 trick-or-treat-3No one answered the door at the first house they went to, the looks on their faces are priceless.  Where’s the candy?!?!trick-or-treat-2

It’s no secret that Halloween is not at the top of my favorite holiday list.  After seeing how much the kids like getting dressed up, Dylan wore his police officer costume to preschool three times the week before, I might just be convinced to get dressed up next year!  For now it’s time to put away the trick or treat bunting, bats and the cutest trick or treat bags until next year.

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