Wednesday, June 15, 2016



(unrelated, but I love this photo of Lex)

Last week I had a major uh-oh happen here on the blog.

You may have noticed that all posts from 2016 have now vanished.  They will not be coming back, unless you know some magic way to recover them that I am not aware of.

I ran some updates behind the scenes which resulted in first being completely locked out of the site. In order to gain access, I let my hosting company restore back to the last back up they had, which let me back in but resulted in a major mistake – I found out I did not have a nightly back up happening here on the blog.  Even though I was able to get back in, I lost everything I did in 2016! A major uh-oh indeed!

I am bummed to be missing the content from the first half of 2016 but looking forward to what the rest of the year has in store.

Oh, and now I have nightly back up so this kind of thing won’t happen again!

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